“I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”  Luke 22:32

I have been enjoying a book I received through Our Daily Bread ministries. It’s entitled “A Grandmother’s Prayers” and I highly recommend it for any grandmother, including those who are just beginning the “grandma” journey or those who have grown up grandkids.  It was written by Kay Swatkowski and you may purchase it through Our Daily Bread Publishing.  It contains inspirational stories, ways to pray for our grandchildren and things to think and do with them.

One of the verses that popped out to me was the verse that Jesus prayed concerning Simon Peter.  He prayed that his faith would not fail!  The author encouraged us to pray this prayer for our grandkids.  I had never heard that verse in relation to children, but as I pondered it, I realized that many children raised in Christian homes do fall away and make wrong choices.  We desire our children to bring glory to God, walk in the path He has chosen for them and live victorious lives!  We pray they will mature in understanding with the goal to bring God glory.  But, I have seen children raised in Bible teaching churches who try hard to “measure up” to a false standard their parents or well-meaning church members set for them.  They try to please them but feel they can never measure up to their standards and just give up.  The pull of the world entices them, and they walk away from their faith.  Grandparents should remember we can’t put old heads on young shoulders!!  If those children truly belong to Jesus, He will draw them to Himself in ways only He can do!

I remember a time in my own life when I had to make a decision that was contrary to what my father wanted.  He tended to be a legalistic Christian and outward appearance was important to him.  I had to honor him, but learn to live by my own faith.  I realized that the Lord had a faith walk that only I could walk on.  I could get direction from God’s Word, the Holy Spirit and prayer and live to please Him, not other people.  God, Himself would direct my path!  It was very freeing!  I felt like a huge load was lifted off me!   I could live to please God!  Wow!

The rest of Jesus’ conversation to Peter was, “when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” The Lord knew Peter would fail, but He also knew He had a very special plan for Peter’s life that only he could fulfill.  Jesus knew Peter would learn from his mistakes and use them to strengthen his brethren.  Some of the trials in our lives are results of bad choices, but others are allowed by God to strengthen our faith and to help others.   Some of the biggest trials in my life have resulted in my spiritual growth and ultimately blessing to myself and others.  God doesn’t waste our pain.  “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose,” Romans 8:28.  Even our trials are God’s special appointments!  He’s always working for our good!

Your friend, Jean