Let’s turn back again to the days of yesteryear and David’s beautiful 23rd Psalm and see what we can learn! Let’s look at it through the eyes of a Middle-Eastern shepherd!

What is a rod nd what is a staff and what are they used for? How do they give comfort and to whom? Us? Sheep? What is the meaning of expressions like ” not getting the wool pulled over our eyes?” Or…”Passing under the rod?” Or what was the powerful significance of Moses rod and how does it apply to us today?

For expert help, I like to consult my good friend Phillip Keller, a long time sheep herder and Bible scholar, now with The Lord. He tells us that in the Middle East, the shepherd ONLY carried a rod and a staff. They were part of him, one with his hand and arm, selected with pride as a young man. He would train with them until they became part of him, much like a young man and his Bible should become today. It would be part of him and fit his size and strength.

He would spend hours practicing. He could throw it with speed and accuracy, mostly for defense but also to correct wayward sheep that were prone to wander. It was an extension of his strength, his power, his authority.

Do you see how Moses would have used this rod in ALL of the miracles as the living power of God’s spoken Word? That is God’s rod today; powerful, authoritative and clear, in other words, “Thus saith The Lord”. the Scriptures are His rod! “Passing under the rod” the is not only for checking on the condition of the sheep but carefully counting that none are missing, none are “phony” and all is well. We need this kind of authoritative Word today, not “wish-washy” preaching that does not treat the Bible as God’s living Word!

Are you really one of His sheep? Has He looked you over? What a comfort! If you have passed before His eyes, felt His loving hands on your head and been carefully examined by His rod well then, pass on!

The last thing I want to mention about the rod is that Jesus as the Shepherd is the One who uses it. Not wolves, dogs, bears or other enemies of the flock. Not accusers! You either have to be THE Shepherd or an under-shepherd like Peter or an elder. The test is difficult to qualify because Jesus doesn’t let just anyone use a rod! It might be abused instead of a comfort! It’s a high standard to be a shepherd! Look over 1st Timothy 3, Titus 1 or what Jesus says about shepherds laying down their lives for sheep in John 10! Still wanna sign up? Real shepherds bind up, build up and encourage. They comfort!
