“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10

 I have had the privilege to go on several medical and teaching mission trips in many parts of the globe.  Each time, I am overwhelmed at what the Lord does!  Every trip is a little different and not really what I was expecting or necessarily planning!  And God does something special in the lives of each team member!

God is putting a team together to go to Honduras next month.  He is providing what we need and doing it in such a way that is unmistakably His own.  My granddaughter felt called to go with us, but had no money.  As soon as she took that step of faith, I received a check in the mail to cover her air fare!  God is always on time and never late!  I felt we needed a certain number of people to have a viable team.  At one point, all we had were 3 people.  Since I was the team leader, I was concerned we wouldn’t have enough members to pull off a medical clinic.  But, God has a wonderful way of testing our faith and He always comes through on time!  We now have a team of 12 excited people!  Like Corrie Ten Boom said, “There are no ‘ifs’ in God’s kingdom.  His timing is perfect.  His will is our hiding place.  Lord Jesus, keep me in your will!  Don’t let me go mad by poking around outside it!”

If God calls you to do something for Him, He will open the way to do it for His glory!  We can conjure up all kinds of obstacles, but in the end our obstacles are God’s opportunities.  I read a story about a woman who worried about everything.  She was a Christian, but found it hard to trust God.  She had a lady who worked for her who was always joyful.  She didn’t worry about her future because she knew her life was in God’s hands and He would care for her.  Her employer asked her if she ever thought about the possibility of getting sick and being unable to care for herself, or what if this happened, or what if that happened?  “Stop” the joyful lady replied, “I never ‘suppose,’ the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  It’s all that ‘supposing’ that makes you miserable.  Give that up and simply trust God.”  The eagle that soars at great heights does not worry about how it will cross a river!!

When God calls us, He enables us!  We may not be the most qualified person for a task, but He takes the available person and “qualifies” us.  We are His workmanship, created to do good works.” Ephesians 2:10.  The Lord is my strength!  “Our competence comes from Him.”  2 Cor. 3:5.  We go forward, relying on God alone, our faith and hope rest on Him.  In Ephesians 1:1-12, the phrase “to the praise of His glory” is repeated 3 times.  When the Lord calls us and does a work through us, we can only say, it was all for the praise of His glory!  He gave us the thoughts, He put His plan in action, He provided the team, He provides the needed funds and it’s all for the praise of His glory!!

WOW!  What a wonderful God we serve!!!

Your friend, Jean