This is a time of the year in America when we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It was established to remind us of the things we are thankful for, much like the early Pilgrims in our country who were saved from starvation. I was reminded this morning of the Apostle Paul who despite persecution, imprisonment and betrayal, rather than being bitter, had a very thankful heart toward not only God but to those people who had helped him along the way.

One of my brothers said that a key to happiness for him is gratitude! Isn’t that cool? Do you have a grateful, thankful heart? Another believer said one time that the key to happiness is to see God’s hand in everything! A study done by some physicians several years ago showed that people with a thankful attitude were healthier! How many things do you notice or remember, looking back on your life just this past year that you are thankful for?

In Romans 16 Paul listed 27 people for whom he was thankful! God put it in the Scriptures for billions of people to see! Imagine! There is a real variety of reasons but every one did something that had affected Paul, had encouraged him.

Who are the people that have affected your life and been an encouragement to you? Why don’t you sit down, make a list and tell them? Not only would it encourage you but it would encourage them.

Then list just the blessings of this past year. I’m guessing that there are many things! Truly this could be a special Thanksgiving Day for you!

Oh yeah, this might be a good time to remind ourselves to be encouragers of other people! Just a word, a deed, an arm over the shoulder, being a good listener, so many ways to encourage others! Think about someone today you can encourage because encouragement is not meant to be kept but to be given away!
