Do you want to do a little “bragging” about something? I smile as I write this because I think we all like to be noticed in certain ways. It only becomes a problem when we start going out of our way to draw attention to ourselves instead of to The Lord. It can take the form of many subtle areas in our lives; our accomplishments, our giving, even our ministry!

One area I admit that I plan to continue bragging about is my wife, my kids and my grand kids! I hope its for the right reasons but I have to humbly admit that they’re awesome! Heh, heh. Thank you God for my family.

It has been said that there is pride of place, pride of face but that the worst of all is pride of grace! What would that be? Thinking that my relationship with Christ is because I was so wise and that I chose Jesus out of my great wisdom!

This morning I read this in the NLT translation: ” God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful.” 1 Cor. 1:27. And listen to this, “God alone made it possible for you to be in Christ Jesus…He is the one who made us pure and holy, and He gave Himself to purchase our freedom. As the Scriptures say, ” The person who wishes to boast should boast only of what The Lord has done”. 1Cor. 30, 31.

There it is! A legitimate reason to boast! Here’s another one, ” God forbid that I should boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” Galatians 6:14

So…if you feel like doing a little “braggin” , brag about Jesus, brag about the cross, brag about His love, His wisdom, His humility combined with grace!

Kind of turns the spotlight in the right direction doesn’t it? We might as well get in practice friends because it’s going to be one of our main activities in heaven! But I gotta tell ya, I’m still going to brag about my wife, my kids and my grand kids!!!

But still, I have to say, to God be all the glory!
