How is your patience quotient? A big test for some of us is when we get behind a pokey driver or someone cuts us off! Oh my! Of much more importance are things like waiting on The Lord for:

* The conversion of a spouse or child

* A long-term illness that is debilitating and results in greatly decreased activity.

* Being overlooked for a deserved promotion or better working conditions.

* If single! waiting for God to bring along your dream spouse.

* You can make up your own list! What are you waiting for? Why does God make us wait for things.

Consider this verse: ” Be still before The Lord and wait patiently for Him, fret not yourself” Psalm 37:7

Why does God want us to wait for answers? Dear friends we need to learn to trust God not only for the answer but for the timing. ” He is too wise to ever make a mistake, too loving to do anything unkind”. He delights to give us the desires of our hearts as we delight ourselves in Him! Psalm 37:4

The answer is frequently beyond anything we could ask or think! Ephesians 3:20 And sometimes, like any wise parent, the answer is NO when it would not be for our good. James 4:3 It is good to realize that God always wants His best for us but He takes into consideration our spiritual side as well as our physical and emotional side. He also looks at it with respect to eternity, not just this life.

So wait for Him! His answer is always best! Trust Him!

Pastor Terry