“In spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.  And so you became a model to all the believers…….” 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7

 On the Apostle Paul’s second missionary journey, he came to Thessalonica and entered the Jewish synagogue.  “On three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead,” Acts 17:2-3. Paul was in this city only 3 short weeks, yet some Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of Greeks and a few prominent women.  They believed Jesus was the Christ!

It’s important to see how strategically located Thessalonica was!  It was a bustling seaport and an important trade and communication center located at the junction of the Egnatian Way leading to Rome.  The road north led to the Danube.  It was the largest city in Macedonia and the capital of its province.  This was a European city!  If Christianity was to settle there, it was bound to spread east along the Egnatian Way until Asia was conquered and west until it stormed the city of Rome.  It was the second most important city in the Byzantine Empire.  God knew what He was doing!

Just what was the message Paul preached there?  He reasoned with them from the Scriptures that Christ had to suffer, die, rise from the dead and Jesus was coming again.  He preached the cross, the resurrection and Christ’s return!  In fact, the coming of the Lord is referred to in every chapter of the letter.  Today, many don’t preach the imminent return of Christ or have no convictions on it.  Some think it is too controversial, others that it is not that important.  Not Paul!  He preached “Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath,” and that to new believers!

But, persecution was hot and heavy, false teachers came in right behind Paul’s departure.  Would this infant church survive?  Satan may attack and disrupt the local church, but he cannot harm the universal church.  No wile of Satan, no attack of the world, no work of the flesh can harm that church for it is “in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

During the Dark Ages when the Bible was forbidden to be read and removed from the churches, the Church of Christ survived.  Twentieth century Communism in Russia and China only caused the church to expand beyond what it was before.  Hitler and the Gestapo could not stomp it out and as Corrie Ten Boom said, “There is no pit where He is not deeper still.”  Evolution and secular humanism will not erase it.  In the end, Jesus will triumph and return with His glorious church as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Amen!

No doubt, Satan was pleased he was able to chase Paul out of town and leave an infant church to the mercies of his emissaries.  But, Paul seized his pen and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote this letter that will outlive the devil and the world itself.  It has blessed millions and will continue to bless the church.  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away!”  Matthew 24:35.

 In a few short weeks, the gospel took root in the hearts of those baby Christians and their love for the Lord grew and bore fruit.  “We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.  We continually remember before our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

May we all be inspired by this model church!

Your friend, Jean  (taken from a sermon by Pastor Terry)