Let’s go again to that special song of David’s in Psalm 23 and unpack what many may not have noticed. Years ago, a friend pointed out to me that David keeps referring to The Lord in the third person…until he is walking through the Valley of The Shadow of Death! Then, it suddenly switches dramatically to the first person…”I will fear no evil, for You are with me”! Have you caught that?

There is an incredible peace, joy and confidence associated with the EXPERIENCE of walking through that dark valley WITH the conscious presence of Christ and His unrelenting care. I believe it is a dark, fearful place, full of the unknown, lurking in the shadows. Down through the centuries, satan has used this fearful valley to intimidate and defeat us. The fear of the unknown. Isolation, without friends or comforters.

However, we now have the promise of His presence, His rod to protect us against wild animals and His staff to pull us out of the crazy entanglements we get ourselves caught in. But there is more.

Some of you know I like to read history. I was struck the other day in reading about the effects of comradeship and isolation in times of battle. In the Civil War in the U.S. In the 1860’s, soldiers could sit around at night, talk, light campfires, help the wounded and talk. Rarely was there any fighting at night. In WWi, the men lived in continuous trenches that stretched from one end of a country to another! They could still light fires, play cards, talk about home and try to encourage one another, as hard as that might be.

During WW2 things changed. Men were confined to foxholes, maybe one or two in a very cold hole. There could be no fires without danger. Men went crazy after while. Some shot themselves. More left the field from trench foot than any other cause. It was horrendous.

More than anything this illustrated to me the vast importance of knowing “You are with me”. It is more than just a superficial word of comfort! In the Valley of the shadow of death…He is THERE! He has gone through it! He can relate to me! Comfort me! Jesus did not have that. He said, “I looked for comforters but I found NONE! Even His friends and family forsook Him! God had to turn away while He was made sin. But we have the PROMISE! He will NEVER leave, no matter what!

As I think about these last closing days and the dark valley, I don’t know ALL that it holds…but hallelujah He will be there and guys, that’s enough for me. He is ALL I need…more than medicine…more than any other single thing I can think of. What is so cool is He thought of all this in advance. It was’t needed for my salvation; just my comfort and peace. I’m loving it!
