I spent a number of years in charge of investments for a large Fortune 500 company. The purpose was always the same, to get the best return on investment consistent with risk. Now it doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that there is a lot of risk in markets. From 2008-2013 the US experienced a huge recession that caused asset values to plummet. Confidence is still shaky.

That’s why investing in the Kingdom of God is far wiser! Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt. 6:19-21

Why not store up for yourselves on earth? Because they won’t last! Now, there are some legitimate things to save for; college expenses, retirement, a cash reserve so you will have funds to give or use as needed. But there is a difference between saving for a purpose and hoarding against my anxieties!

A key principal to grapple with; who owns your money, your time, your talents? Who’s the owner? This must be decided and it will change your life and how you look at money from now on. Is it yours to do with as you wish at any time, or are you a good steward of it for the Lord? The Bible says, “You are not your own, you were bought with a price. 1st Cor, 6:19-20 Are we thinking like owners or stewards? That’s a transforming truth.

I am amazed when I read about the Macedonian saints and their giving in 2nd Cor. 8 & 9. The word “grace” is used over and over again! Is that what you think of when you think of giving? Paul also says that God is not interested in reluctant givers or those who give under compulsion! He wants cheerful…or hilarious givers! Friends, that’s the only kind He wants! And He promises that those kinds of givers will never run out of “seed” to give because they have become partners with Him in His work! They will experience thanksgivings, approval, glorification of God, confession of the gospel of Christ because of the surpassing grace of Christ upon them! All resulting in praise to God, “Thanks be unto God for His inexpressible gift”.