This is such a strong statement, like a shoutout to the universe! The Lord of the universe, the Creator is MY master! He is my Shepherd, my manager and He takes care of me in such a way that I can never want! You see, MY Shepherd created sheep and knows uniquely about their needs! He knows all about me! I am not just “one of His flock”! He knows my name!

David wrote this very loved Psalm and it has a special character because not only was David a shepherd himself, but he had an intimate knowledge of The Lord, the Shepherd of his soul. We can visualize David on many a starry night gazing at his very loved flock and thinking about HIS shepherd. I can see him meditating on his care by his tender shepherd right now can’t you? Friends, God intended for you to think about His care for you as well because He knew you would need it! You see, sheep require endless attention and meticulous care!

Phillip Keller, a former shepherd, writes movingly about sheep in his little book on this Psalm. He points out 4 things sheep absolutely require to feed, drink and be content. As we consider them keep in mind how they apply spiritually to our lives as Christians.

1. They must be free of all fear. If the sheep thought there were any predators about, they would be restless and easily panicked. He found that if they could just SEE him, they would calm down and rest. They needed to see him and hear his voice! Do you get that? We need to be comforted by His presence and hear His voice as well! Draw near to Him in the morning and listen to His voice. As you do, the tender Presence of the Shepherd will encourage and comfort you.

2. They must be free of friction and conflicts from the more aggressive members of the flock. Most church splits are the result of unresolved conflicts between members. Church should be a loving place, a peaceful place where people can feel loved and nurtured and relaxed. Love one another! “Accept one another just as Christ has accepted you, to the glory of God” Romans 15:7

3. They must be free from hunger and thirst or they will be restless and discontented. If they wander about, aimlessly searching for water and food they will drink from muddy places and feed on poor grass. They will grow sickly. They will drink from polluted waters or feed in dirty places.

4. They must be free from pests, ticks and flies that can drive them to distraction. Things that irritate and annoy. Nothing can distract us like discouragement because it takes our eyes off the Shepherd and focuses them on ourselves and our problems.

So remember WHO YOUR Shepherd is!
