Have you ever thought how it would take the fun out of victory if when the game started, the final score was already known? Can you imagine how the Super Bowl reaction would have been if the crazy end to that game had already been seen in advance?

The excitement is all in the unknown! What will be the final score? Some games are determined by the score at the end of four quarters, some at the end of nine innings, some after three periods or overtime and so on. I know some folks who just can’t stand not knowing and they record the game so they can decide later if the want to watch it!

In another analogy, let’s say you owe money on a large mortgage but you have no way to pay it. One day a person who really cares about you comes along and tells you that he wants to pay your mortgage in full. What? Wow!

Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus was hanging on the cross, he was there to pay for sin, yours, and mine. Earthquakes were taking place, heavens were black, it was dark everywhere in the world. Suddenly, a loud cry emanated from the depth of His soul…”IT IS FINISHED!”it was a cry Tetelesti! It was an accounting cry, meaning “paid in full! ”

The debt had been paid! finished!It was over! All the suffering. It proclaimed victory over 7 areas where mankind had been held in bondage:

1. Death

2. Hell

3. The power of sin

4. Fear of death

5. The lust in the world

6. The law as the strength of sin

7. Perishable bodies

All of these things were broken at the cross! When Jesus cried out “It is finished! It was the greatest victory cry the world had ever heard! It set people free! Hallelujah! This was God’s Super Bowl ! What looked like His greatest defeat turned into His greatest victory ! The final score has been posted! We’re just waiting for the trophies to be passed out. What a celebration that will be!
