Do you understand the real meaning of the Sabbath? The Hebrew word means “to cease” or to rest. There have been many arguments over the years about whether God was talking about Saturday or Sunday. They are really missing the whole point. For the record the actual Sabbath was the seventh day or Saturday but after the resurrection, the believers began worshipping The Lord on the first day of the week, or Sunday. Acts 20:7

The important thing to note is the PURPOSE of the Sabbath! It was to give God’s people,a day of rest and a day to worship Him! It underscores the fact that God knew we would need this. Folks, it was for our blessing! When Jesus healed a woman on the Sabbath day in Luke 13:10-17 He was criticized for it but He pointed out that the Sabbath for for our blessing. Many have turned this into legalism and interpreted this glorious gift to us as a burden to be born. NO! It is to be a burden lifted! God wants us to set aside time to rest, to focus on Him, to worship Him. It’s a gift!

No verse of Scripture points this out more than Psalm 91:1. ” He who dwells in the shelter (the secret place) of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”. Did you catch the visual picture? There is a secret place! Where is it? So close to Him you’re right in His shadow! In other words your rest is when you get so close to Him you can’t get any closer! It is THERE you rest in Him. I don’t know how God can make it any plainer.

I heard one time that the key to life is balance. I believe it. There is so much importance attached to taking time out and spending time with God! Jesus modeled this for us, going off alone frequently from the crowds to spend time with His Father. Now if the Son of God needed it, what does it say about us? The failure to do this is the main cause of burnout for God’s servants.

So, whatever you are doing in your life, build in some “quiet time” with The Lord! Try to do some of this each day! It is to keep you on track and fruitful for God! Remember to include some worship as well as time in His Word. This is not intended to be a chore but for our blessing!
