C. S. Lewis in the Screwtape Letters, vividly describes Satan’s strategy. He gets Christians to become so preoccupied with their failures that from then on, the battle is won. This is true in case after case. In the wonderful story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 Jesus decribes the almost unbelievable story of a son who egregiously sins against his father, against God, goes and lives an immoral life and does not return until the pain is so great , he can no longer stand it. He repents, comes home, confesses to God and his father and is freely restored. What a story!

The wonderful thing is this story was actually, literally repeated in the life of a pastor. He had grievously sinned and hurt many people in the process. His rebellion went on for years. Finally, he confessed his sin, repented and came back. He wrote a letter to all he had offended. He specifically acknowledged his sin. God deeply convicted him but he still felt like a failure before both God and other believers. It weighed him down. There seemed to be something still missing.

Do you know what that church actually did ? They had a party–the same church that had disciplined him. They bought him a new sport coat and a new pair of shoes. They put a gold ring on his finger and served him prime rib. It was an evening of praise for the whole church as this brother was brought back into fellowship. It even made the news, Kind of sounds familiar doesn’t it? I have never heard a sequel on the story but can only imagine the impact upon this brother once he realized that not only God, but even his brothers and sisters had forgiven him! How many have fallen by the wayside because we did not extend a helping hand?

Reach out to that brother or that sister! You need to get under them to lift them up! Let them experience the fullness of God’s forgiveness and love!

Pastor terry