“A wife (woman) of noble character who can find?  She is worth more than rubies.”  Proverbs 31:10

 We were studying Proverbs 31 in our Bible study and a dear, godly woman spoke up and said:  “Whenever I read this chapter, it reminds me of my Aunt Sophie.  She was a perfect example of what a Proverbs 31 woman looked like.  She……etc. etc.”  My friend went on to tell about all the wonderful ways Aunt Sophie served her family and her Savior.  I reached out and touched her arm and said, “You are a perfect example of what this passage teaches, in fact, most God fearing women I know are Proverbs 31 women!”  If we could put this chapter in modern English, it would tell a different story!  Let’s see what it says……

“Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing …..She brings him good and not harm all the days of her life.” She’s trustworthy, her husband trusts her with confidences he can tell no one else.  She listens and gives wise counsel.  He relies on her for big and little things. “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.”  She works eagerly with energy looking for the best fabrics and bargains to provide for her family.  She works willingly and without complaining. “She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.”  She scours the grocery aisles looking for the most nutritious food at the best prices, checking the contents and saving coupons.  She manages her household on a budget, is financially savvy and intentional about what she purchases.

“She gets up while it is dark; she provides food for her household……she considers a field and buys it.”  What mother hasn’t been on call 24/7 for a sick child, then gets up early to send the kids off to school, all while it is dark?  And considers a field?  What wife hasn’t helped her husband buy property?  They work together to find a house that is suitable for the needs of the family and ministry.  “She opens her arms to the poor, her hands to the needy.”  Most God fearing women I know have open hands to help the poor, bring meals to the sick, babysit for those who need help and teach Bible clubs in the schools. They bring compassion to the community.  “When it snows, she has no fear for her household, for all of them are clothed in scarlet.”  This excellent woman is prepared to clothe her family in all kinds of weather.  In the cold months, they have heavy jackets, mittens and hats to keep them warm and cozy. “She makes coverings for her bed….”  She maintains her home and her appearance, she gets out of her pajamas at a respectable hour and tidy’s up the house.  Her family has sheets and blankets on their beds to keep them comfortable at night.

“Her husband is respected….he takes his seat among the elders of the land.”  Her husband does well because he has a supportive wife!  She helps him move forward because she takes care of things at home.  She respects him as the head of the family.  “She is clothed with strength and dignity…she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue…she is not idle.”  I looked around my little Bible study group that day and said, “You all walk with dignity, speak with wisdom and teach your children faithfully.  These verses are self-explanatory.”  They told me I had blessed them all!

“Her husband, also and he praises her!”  Smart man!  Here is a wise husband!!  This is a man who loves his wife and tells her!  Women need their husbands to tell them they are loved and are doing a good job.  They need to hear words like, “You look beautiful today!” “I’m so glad I married you!”  “I’m praying for you today!”  “I can’t imagine life without you!”  “Let’s eat out!!”  “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all….a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” 

Happy Mother’s Day!

Your friend, Jean