“SO…when He heard that Lazarus was ill, He stayed two days longer in the place where He was”. Does this seem really strange to you? I am the type of person that rushes in to help at the first sign of trouble. I have a tendency to try and “fix” problems as I hate seeing people in pain. Now here is one of the closest friends of Jesus, Lazarus, and he is in trouble. The disciples had seen Jesus heal countless numbers of people and so when they gave him the news about Lazarus they said it in a way designed to get His immediate attention and get Him act quickly. “Lord, he whom You love is ill”. This wasn’t just another person! This was one of His dearest earthly friends! Surely He will go and heal him right NOW!

But listen to the strange words…”He stayed two days longer in the place where he was”. What? Doesn’t He care? Doesn’t He love Lazarus?

Friends, here is a great truth Jesus was teaching all of us. He refrained from going, not because He didn’t love him BUT because He did! It was His love for Lazarus and for the greater glory of God that held Him there for two more days! If Jesus’s love had just been human love He would have rushed to his side. Because His love was divine, and He had a plan to glorify His Father with the illness of Lazarus, He waited until the time was right.

He arrived and found tremendous sorrow and a lack of understanding by his dear friends Mary and Martha. Regardless of how you interpret their words, they were very confused about why Jesus was just now showing up. Of course Jesus was going to show them that He was the Resurrection and the Life by raising Lazarus from the dead. But I think the key is found in 11:40, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”

For all of us with serious illnesses and all those who are struggling or suffering, let this message come through. You have an opportunity to glorify God IN your trial that is unique. “Always carrying in the body the death of Jesus so that the life of JESUS may also be manifested in our bodies” 2 Cor. 5:10. Every trial is a platform on which you can demonstrate the life of Jesus to a lost world! Unique opportunity!

The world will little note your accomplishments. But they will note how you suffer for Christ. The world may forget. Jesus will never forget. If you are frustrated that God has not healed you or removed the burden, it may be He is trusting you with silence to glorify His Name. Only His close friends are trusted with this, but while He may not solve your problems, he definitely promises His Presence. “I will never leave you or forsake you”. Hebrew 13:5 Jesus is enough.
