A little while back I told you I don’t know Greek but have a little book called ” A Few Hid Treasures Found In The Greek New Testament”. One of my favorites is the use of the word, “Tharsei”, or ” Cheer up!”. It is used 10 times in the New Testament, all but once by The Lord a Jesus, so it was a favorite of His!

It is found in every gospel and after His resurrection in the book of Acts. Maybe you would enjoy hearing a few of them because Jesus intended for them to encourage us today, just as He did then!

The first time was in Matthew 9:2 with the man sick of the “palsy”, but we might call it Parkinson’s. Jesus said to this man, “Tharsei!” Or “Cheer up!”. Your sins are forgiven you”. WOW! I imagine the man’s initial excitement was more about his physical healing but as it began to sink in I think knowing his sins were forgiven must have been the most important, don’t you?

Another occasion was in Matthew 14:27 when the disciples were out on the Sea of Galilee, buffeted by the strong winds and having a really hard time. Suddenly they saw what they thought was a ghost walking to them on the water! They were terrified and thought it was a ghost! We would have been terrified too! Scary!

When I was young, my brother and I would sometimes go to very scary movies and one time I waited for him in the closet in our third floor bedroom. I set the lights so they couldn’t be turned on. I waited for him to walk past. I could hear his heavy breathing. I suddenly pounced on him from behind and yelled and I have to confess he still hasn’t forgotten it! Scary!

Anyway, The Lord quickly said to His disciples, “Tharsei!” “Cheer up”! ” it is I. Don’t be afraid!” Amazing! Can you put yourselves in their place? Are you facing anything scary right now?

The last one I want to mention is my favorite. It’s found in Acts 23:11. Paul had been thrown in prison. He had craftily divided the Sadducees and Pharisees by telling them that he was really on trial before them because of the teaching of resurrection, a doctrine believed by the Pharisees but not the Sadducees . In any case, I believe Paul may have been discouraged. What does Jesus do? “The Lord HIMSELF Came and stood near Paul and said , “Tharsei!” Cheer up!” Or ” “Take courage!” “As you have testified of me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome”. Jesus HIMSELF! When Peter was in prison He sent an angel but with Paul He came Himself ! I believe it was because that was what Paul needed. He knows just what we need and when we need it.

So whether you are struggling with a really serious disease, find yourself in a scary situation or you are just plain discouraged, be aware that He wants to cheer you up with His presence! Absolutely nothing can cheer us up like the awareness of His presence. So my friends, ” Tharsei!” Cheer up!
