“God my Maker, who gives me songs in the night.”  Job 35:10

 A number of years ago, a man who was an itinerant preacher stayed with us.  When he left, he flew to Minneapolis where he became stranded at the airport by a winter blizzard and missed his connecting flight.  We received a postcard from him and all it said was “submission is a wonderful pillow to lie on.”

I was reminded of that incident this morning in my quiet time.  I was reading “Streams in The Desert” and it spoke of “God my Maker, who gives me songs in the night,” Job 35:10.  Job was not a stranger to suffering; financial losses, physical pain, loss of children, even scorn by his wife!  Wow!  Yet, God gave him songs in the night.

 The story I read this morning, spoke of two types of birds held in a cage; one struggling with all its might to get out, the other singing beautiful songs.  I couldn’t help thinking of Paul and Silas in Acts 16.  For preaching the gospel, they were beaten and thrown in prison, their feet placed in stocks.  So what were they doing?  “About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God,” Acts 16:25.  Amazing!  What was the result?  The other prisoners were listening.  Second, God sent an earthquake and all the doors of the prison were opened!

What did Paul do?  He chose to stay there until God made it known he was free!  How did he know?  The jailer came and asked him how he could be saved.  The jailer was saved that very night along with his family!  Then the jailer took them out Acts “the same hour of the night and washed their wounds.”  Acts 16:33.

Here are two incredible points:  they were singing BEFORE they knew what was going to happen….and they WAITED until GOD set them free!  Singing in the night.  Trusting God.  Let’s do it!  Who knows what earthshaking results may take place!

Pastor Terry