One of the most incredible truths reverberating down through the centuries is a truth so dynamic, so profound, we might miss it altogether! It is a triumph of the human spirit, a loud shout of victory over sin, death, pain and dying. It is the refusal to surrender to the overwhelming so called “facts” of our circumstances, just based on one outstanding truth: Jesus lives and reigns supreme over us, our world, our circumstances and because He LIVES we have His absolute assurance that “nothing can separate us from His love” in all of the universe! Romans 8:32

This alone means that He gives “songs in the night”! It seems contradictory since night is expressed here as a depressing factor. Satan thrives in the darkness, it’s when he comes and tries, tempts and seeks to get a real twist on our spirits. Grasp then, if you will, that is also when Jesus gives “songs in the night”! It is a loud rejection of anything Satan can do to touch us because Jesus love and care never wavers.

I can think of two outstanding examples of this. One is referred to in Job 35:10. Can you wrap your mind around Job’s suffering? Losses of family, wealth, health, reputation …but in the end he glorified God because he saw how God got the victory! He gained perspective…he saw God’s hand of wisdom and love.

The other time is when Paul and Silas are in a dark dungeon after being whipped; no food or water. What did they do? They sang songs of victory and praise! It was the most stupendous rebuke to the devil, to pain, to suffering, to the fear of death! Their voice was a voice that cried out “He LIVES!” Jesus LIVES! He has conquered the grave! He will triumph! His is the victory!

Paul and Silas chose life, victory, resurrection and they just exploded in song! What was the result? The jailor and his family all got saved and baptized that night! They saw faith…hope…joy…victory…and the human heart cannot live without it.

In the end the knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus was alive because in that filthy, Roman dungeon they saw love, victory and hope like they had never seen in their lives before.

The echoes of victory resonated in the songs in the night, reverberated around those dark walls and spread a light that is still shining because He lives. Are you enjoying any songs in the night? Sing on my friend! He will put a song in your heart!
