“I don’t get no satisfaction”! Those were the words of a famous rock group several years ago. The words accurately express the deep longing of the vast majority of the world. True, deep satisfaction is the most elusive emotion of every human heart. Someone has said that what every heart desires above everything else is “satisfied affection”. I believe that it’s true. One of the great political leaders expressed this longing as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The history of the world demonstrates how few have achieved those desires.

Regardless of what people are restlessly searching for, in the end they desire satisfaction. Satan puts before the human heart the myth that “the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and/or the pride of life” will fill the empty hole in human hearts. 1: John 2:16. The natural heart is searching for satisfaction through one or all of these things. Make up your own list of pleasure, materialism, power, false security or whatever it may be, and people are pursuing it.

But fellow believer, Jesus is the only one who truly satisfies! He leads His flock beside “still” waters and causes them to lie down (satisfaction) in green pastures. Psalm 23:2,3. When Jesus met the woman at the well in John 4 He gave her the startling news that He gives “living water” that would take away her thirst FOREVER! Incredible stuff! Could it be true? He also told her that THIS well would be a perpetual spring, a flowing well, a river, that would constantly flow out of her life and bless other people!

AMAZING TRUTH! Not only would SHE be satisfied, but if she drank of THIS water, it would overflow out of her life and bless other people as well! She could pass it on! Dear friends, if you are still searching for the “water” that satisfies, please be aware that if you are searching outside of Christ, you WILL be thirsty again! The mud puddles of this world do not satisfy, they leave you thirsty! They are mirages that look attractive from a distance, but they are SOO disappointing! They leave you MORE thirsty than you were before!

Jesus promises, “If any man is THIRSTY, let him come to ME and drink”. John 7:37 if you do, He promises “streams of living water will flow from within you”. Are you thirsty? That is the key! Jesus invites you to give up your mud puddles and unhealthy substitutes.

True satisfaction and joy will be the result and never again will you be restlessly searching for something to satisfy your heart! You will no longer be able to say, “I don’t get no satisfaction”.
