Do you remember the old western movies where the settlers were surrounded by Indians and about to be killed? Suddenly, we would hear a triumphant bugle blowing and the U.S. Cavalry would come riding to the rescue, just in the nick of time!

We get this incredibly dramatic picture laid out for us in how Isaiah 68:4-6 is translated for us in the New American Standard translation and it’s exciting! First of all “The Lord” here is Jah, or Lord Jehovah, the Deliverer God, the One who saves and delivers His people. Listen!

“Sing to God, sing praises to His name; lift up a song for Him who “rides through the deserts”, or CAST UP A HIGHWAY OF PRAISE, whose name is JAH, and exult before Him” Do you get that? Our praise lifts up a highway for our delivering God to ride through the desert to our rescue! Praise! What a unique highway! He RIDES on it!

And who does JAH rescue! He is “a father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows, is God in His holy habitation, God MAKES A HOME FOR THE LONELY; HE LEADS out the prisoners into prosperity”

God specializes in delivering the helpless, those kept in bondage, little people no one else wants or could even consider delivering. Some of my little grandchildren were abandoned by the side of the road, some left on doorsteps, some left in death rooms to starve. Several have had life-threatening illnesses. One little boy was one of the very last boys allowed to be adopted from a Muslim country! Oh yes, our JAH knows how to ride to the rescue of the helpless and our prayers of praise and faith can lift up a highway for HIM! He is the father of the fatherless, a judge for the widows and “makes the solitary to dwell in a house”.

Feeling lonely today? Do you need some deliverance in your life? Think God doesn’t see you? He is JAH! He specializes in delivering and noticing the people no one else sees!

That’s the ministry of Operation Barnabus International that I love! They ride to the rescue of discouraged pastors and their wives on your prayers and support and come right alongside them, lifting them up, comforting tired feet, fitting them with sandals. Lift up a highway of praise today! What a work you can do right from your home! Lift up praise! For the little people, the remote pastors, their wives, the widows! He will ride through the desert to the rescue! Our JAH delights to rescue the hardest to reach of all and He will triumph over it all one day and rejoice over all His people with singing. You can sing NOW! Singing before deliverance is an affirmation of your faith in advance and God will honor it!

Behold He comes, riding on the clouds!!!! Do you see JAH coming?
