“Ths is the day The Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” Psalm 118:24

The past couple of days I have been going through a treasure trove of old pictures and items my wife found while cleaning out a part of the basement we still hadn’t touched since moving in 13 years ago. Contents of many old boxes! It was amazing! Pictures and many other items my mother and grandmother and my wife had kept of family reunions, baby pictures, weddings and other events like when my oldest son was sworn in as an attorney! I was fascinated and it was fun to look at all the old stuff and relive some of it in my memory.

Then I wondered as I looked at them if I valued the people and events as much then as I do now; the joy, the friendships, the blessings, seeing God at work. Many joyful ministry blessings at Camp Barakel in Northern Michigan, Marriage Geataways at Glen Eyrie in Colorado and all the people and dear friends who attended along with Hal and Dee Denney, the couple we served with. Special times. New grandchildren. Christmas. Precious times. Wow. Tugged at my heart strings.

I tend to be very future oriented, a planner, rather than “living one day at a time”. However, my advanced cancer has forced me to live that way, seeking to appreciate the joys and blessings each day brings. The beautiful fall colors, the birds, the growth of my grandchildren, the love of my family, friends and church, appreciating the love of God in all it’s many dimensions.

And then, I realized, maybe this is how God wants us to live; not thinking that happiness is around the corner, but seeing His Hand in everything, every day. And it is not “polyannist” or fake to live that way. Sure, life brings many trials, twists and turns. But let’s remember to rejoice in all the good things each day brings. Tell your loved ones today how much you love them. Give thanks just because. Sing a praise song. Notice how much beauty there is in nature today and remember God could have made it all brown. He created colors for you to enjoy. Especially notice fall leaves, their color, shapes and texture. Such variety! You could even shout for joy and it would be ok!

Give this day to The Lord! Yesterday is history , tomorrow is a mystery! Today is a good day to praise The Lord!
