“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8

Every year September 11 is a grim reminder of the planes that hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and changed the lives of hundreds of families.  In America, 2973 people lost their lives.  The following is the story of one family whose lives were affected that day.

Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell worked for the Army at the Pentagon.  On the morning of September 11, he stepped into the bathroom, telling his co-workers he’d be right back.  At that moment American Airlines Flight 77 hit the side of the building and he was surrounded by flames.  His life was saved, but he sustained extensive burns on his body.  His rescuer prayed with him as he held the IV line and tried to help him stay awake.

Brian was taken to the ICU with burns over 60% of his body.  He would have 39 operations during his excruciating recovery, which took almost four years.  But, one aspect of his story touched my heart.  As he recovered in the burn unit of the hospital, his wife received a phone call.

“Mrs. Birdwell?  This is the Secret Service.  We’re calling on behalf of President Bush.  He would like your permission to visit Colonel Birdwell today.”

“You’re talking about THE President….the President of the United States?  President Bush?  You need my permission?” she asked.  Then she thought about her hair, make-up and the clothes she was wearing.  She had barely slept in over 2 days as she stayed by her husband’s side.  Her clothing consisted of jeans and a t-shirt from Vacation Bible School that said, “Every day’s a holiday with Jesus in your heart.”

First, Mrs. Bush and then President Bush entered the room.  There was no press and no media, just the president and Mrs. Bush.  In the military, the lesser person is supposed to initiate a salute.  President Bush looked at Brian and said, “Colonel Birdwell!” and initiated a salute.  Brian struggled to raise his arm in a salute.  All they could see was bright red muscle, there was no skin on his arms.  He struggled to raise his arm to salute his Commander in Chief.  He finally got it three fourths of the way up.  The president with huge tears in his eyes held his salute until finally Brian’s arm came down.

There stood the most powerful man in the free world, the President of the United States, with tears in his eyes, holding his salute to a junior officer out of respect for what he was going through for his country.  There was not a dry eye in the room that day!

Today, something more profound is taking place.  The Lord Jesus Christ has come to visit you.  You have been wounded by sin.  He comes to give you good news.  He is not saluting, He is holding out His arms, His hands to you in love and welcome.  Those hands were wounded for you.  He suffered for you so you would not have to suffer.  All you have to do is come to Him today and He will take away all your sins.  Will you come to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords today?   “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28.

Your friend, Jean