Last night my youngest son and his two boys stayed with me. As they began to get tired their dad said “well, boys, it’s time to go to bed”. “But dad, we’re not tired!” Sound familiar? Then their father did something very special; he prayed over them. As I listened to this very special and sacred time, I thought, “what a special time!” It’s a time that is soon gone! And I wondered, ” How many fathers pray with/over their children at night?”

I could recall the times when I would pray with my children and it seemed so long ago. What a special time it was! Sometimes it was my wife that prayed, as I traveled in those days, but I am thankful for the memories of praying with them. I tried to make it fun and would give them a choice of either bring tickled, being thrown in bed or having me fall on them! Then I would pray. It was a warm, special time.

Is there any better way of conveying to our children our care and love and the care and love of their Father in heaven? It’s been said that our children are more likely to follow what we do than what we say and so what better investment for dads and moms than praying over their children? But I especially want to encourage dads. We are all too likely to find something else “more important” at the moment and miss this soon to be fleeting opportunity.

Now, when my grandchildren come, in addition to praying, they also like grampa to tell them a “bear story”. It’s kind of a tradition at our house. Dads, don’t lose these precious moments, they will soon be gone.
