“I urge, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”  1 Timothy 2:1-2

Today was Election Day in the USA.  The first Tuesday in November is a day set aside to vote for those in government positions over us.  We may not like the way things are going in our government, but we should obey the apostle Paul’s exhortation in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray for our leaders.  We remember Paul lived in a time of immoral government leaders and he was ultimately martyred by Nero — the very “king” he asked people to pray for!

Believers in the first century had no option to vote, so they did what they could do, they prayed!  Their government leaders were entrenched in power and there was nothing they could do to change it.  These early believers took their role of prayer seriously.  Ultimately, the power of those prayers brought about greater change than any election day could produce!  Our democratic system allows us to vote, but once the election is over, there may be men and women in positions of power we didn’t vote for!  They still represent God’s choice and they need our prayers.  God is sovereign and has a plan for this world that is not necessarily our plan.  He knows the end from the beginning and nothing will thwart His master plan, not voting machines that don’t work, illegal votes or any other insidious plans of the evil one.  “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord…He turns it wherever He wishes,” Proverbs 21:1.

I read the following story in a book by Robert Morgan entitled “My All in All.”  Prince Edward VII of England was well known for his drinking and immorality.  When his mother, Queen Victoria, died in 1901, Edward assumed the throne at age fifty-nine and reigned for nine years.  In 1910, a prayer warrior named Joe Evans was vacationing in the New York mountains, away from newspapers and various news outlets.  One morning, he felt a need to intercede for Edward, and the burden became so intense he anguished in prayer for the king’s salvation.  The following day came the news, “Edward is dead.” 

Years later, Joe was at dinner with Dr. Mantle of England.  Dr. Mantle said, “Joe, did you know that Edward VII was saved on his deathbed?”  He went on to explain that “the king was in France when he was taken ill.  He was brought to England and there was hope that he might recover.  However, he took a turn for the worst.  Edward called one of his lords-in-waiting and ordered him to go to a certain place to secure a copy of a tract his mother, Queen Victoria, had given him when he was a boy.  It was entitled, “The Sinner’s Friend.”  After much searching, the lord-in-waiting found the tact, brought it to His Majesty, and upon reading it, King Edward VII repented of his sins and received the Lord Jesus as his Savior.”   “The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear,” Isaiah 59:1. 

 We’re asked to pray for those in authority over us with petitions (going before the throne of grace with the right attitude).  Prayers (surrendering to God and the power of His Spirit).  Intercession is appealing to God on behalf of another and Thanksgiving is an overflowing, grateful heart of thanks to God for ALL He has done for us.  Why should we do this?  So, we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and holiness!

Your friend, Jean