During our lifetime many of us have been caught up in very difficult situations that have seemed overwhelming to us. Perhaps it was the loss of a loved one, a huge financial loss or a debilitating disease. Seeing a child go astray or a marriage broken up can be other examples . There are many. At those times we feel overwhelmed and feel like shouting, ” Lord, where are You”?

A few years ago in the 1980’s I came to know a businessman in Toledo, Bill Niehous, who went through a horrendous trial. Bill was the VP of Operations for a large Fortune 500 company in Venezuela in the 1970’s. One day Bill was forcibly kidnapped from his home and taken to the jungle for ransom! Bill had never taken much thought of God in his life but as month turned into month he began to realize God was all he had! His only refuge! As he sat alone in a mud hut, he began to realize how misplaced his priorities had been and he began to cry out to God!

He even took notice of the ants in his hut and how God had equipped them to carry great loads and he began to realize that with God’s help, he could also carry great loads. Agonizingly, the months went by. He was now in his 40th month of captivity and he thought of all the 40’s in the Bible, the 40 days of rain that fell on Noah, the 40 years Israel wandered in the wilderness, the 40 days Jesus was tempted. Finally, he came to the end of himself and he put his complete trust in The Lord. He rested in Him. Incredibly, shortly afterwards, a man stepped into his hut with a gun and announced he was a police officer! They were looking for rustlers and stumbled on this hut. They rescued him!

Amazingly, after 40 months, Bill was on his way back to his family in Toledo, Ohio! But he said, “I was no longer the neat looking businessman my family had once known. I had learned what trusting God was all about and that ” I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” Philippians 4:11-13 I was a different man.

Maybe your trial is different. Let me give you this verse. “I will take refuge in the shadow of Your wings until the disaster has passed” Psalm 57:2 it will pass! He is hovering over you and invites you come alongside Him and take refuge,shelter!

It’s a warm loving place.
