Last night the college football season ended and Ohio State won the national championship! There was joy on the faces of the players, coaches and fans as they celebrated their well deserved win. I suspect however, their celebration will be brief because in sports the joy of winning is temporary. The hard part comes next, which will be trying to repeat all of this again. However, for the moment, they are “conquerors”!
I’m even happy for one of my sons! HAHA

This leads me to the main question today. What does it really mean to be MORE than a conqueror? Many people are able to endure, to tolerate temporary pain and struggles. That’s certainly commendable and may be the best we can do at that particular time. Going through a long term illness or the loss of a child or a spouse cannot really be fully explained or shared with others at the time. There is such a thing as pain that is so deep it cannot be shared with others.

But being MORE than a conqueror implies something more, something much richer and deeper. We see this in the life of Jesus, ” Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the JOY set before Him, endured the cross, scorning the shame, and sat down (in victory) at the right hand of the throne of God” . Hebrews 12:2 Jesus had JOY even in His incredible suffering and pain!

Pleasing His Father, the joy of finishing the work Of the cross, looking forward to being surrounded by All the people that He would see redeemed; no doubt all of these things contributed to his joy. So let me say this: The certainty of the future transforms the present. Our faith in the promise of His in His unchangeable love opens the door to unlock our trust and joy.

What caused Paul to write about persecution, famine, danger, hardship and trouble as simply reflecting things in which we ARE more than conquerors? It is this my friends; the absolute certainty that no matter what happens we can never be separated from the love of Christ! Even death cannot separate us from His love!

That’s an active love. It’s a love that in this same letter Paul writes, ” In all things God works for the good of those who love Him” 8:28, It’s a love that God demonstrated by “Giving Him up for us all”, proving he will graciously give us all things. 8:32 God loved you even when you were still a sinner and rebelling against Him, Romans 5:8. Wow! Conquerors? Oh yeah!

To be MORE than a conqueror is to see beyond the trial, to see His unchangeable love for you and to praise Him regardless of the pain you are currently experiencing. To see the cross and the empty tomb! You don’t have to be a stoic. It’s ok to cry! To weep! Jesus did. But we know the score at the end of the game. He is the Victor and we can be “more than conquerors” in Him! And His victory goes way beyond this season! Hold the trophy of the cross high! He is the Victor! Now and forevermore!
