Now that I your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  John 13:14

Recently, in my Bible study group, we were reading John 13 where Jesus washed His disciples’ feet.  It amazed me that the Lord of Glory, the Son of God would get up from the meal, put a towel around His waist, and proceed to wash his friends’ feet.  This lowly service was typically left for slaves to perform.  In Bible times, open sandals were worn on hot dusty roads, so frequent feet washings were necessary.  Peter was shocked to see Jesus in this role as servant and told Him so!

For me, the sight of Jesus washing the feet of Judas is a wonderful picture of humility!  Jesus knew all that was in Judas’ heart.  He knew he was a thief, that he would soon betray him, that he never believed and yet, Jesus washed his feet with the other 11.  The other disciples had no idea what was in Judas’ heart!  Judas had lived in the inner circle, was witness to the miracles and listened to Jesus’ teaching, yet he was not satisfied!  Jesus gently washed his feet and forgave him in advance!

As we discussed the chapter, we thought of ways we could spiritually “wash one another’s feet.”  One dear lady said, “When I know someone who is going through difficult times, I hug her tightly, and don’t let go until she relaxes in my arms.”  Another said, “The texts I receive from my leader are so encouraging and inspiring, they “wash my feet” with the love of Jesus.”  Another said, “when I take a meal to a friend or family in need, I feel like I’m washing their feet.”  Another said, “When an older person takes time to explain a difficult passage of scripture, I feel like they’re ‘washing my feet.”

Here are some ways can we take the example of Jesus’ perfect humility and pass them on to another.

  • Give sacrificially, if you see someone in need and you have the means to help them, give with an open hand. God will provide for you.
  • Be willing to take the humble (low) place, give up your pride and selfish ambition for another’s benefit.
  • Be forgiving – forgive as Jesus forgave you. Love your enemies, bless those who persecute you and pray for those who are spiteful.
  • Bear one another’s burdens – put your activities aside,  listen and pray with a friend in need.
  • Pray for the sick – the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
  • Encourage one another to grow in Christ – consider ways to spur another on to become more like Jesus. Growing in Christ-likeness should be the goal of every believer!

You might think of other ways you can spiritually “wash one another’s feet.”  No service for the Lord will go unnoticed!  Whatever we do for him, even to giving a cup of cold water will glorify the Lord and bring honor to Him!

Your friend, Jean