The title today is part of a verse from Colossians 4:5. It encourages all believers to be alert to every opportunity to share the good news of the gospel with everyone we come in contact with. Studies have shown that most people come to Christ through one to one contact. Your particular circle of contacts and friends is unique! No one else has the same circle! Folks, God put you there! You have the Word of Life! When I am with a person that I am not sure knows The Lord I pray, “Lord, if you open the door, I’ll walk through. Only God can open the door to their hearts.
But I have to share a little story. A few years ago, we took our family on a trip to Israel. It didn’t start well. The week we were supposed to leave my wife fell and broke her elbow! Then my oldest daughter missed the connecting flight and had to sleep all night in the airport! To top it off I was seated next to a very talkative young lady when all I wanted to do was sleep! Early on, she asked me if I would switch seats with her mother who was sitting in a middle seat. I was on an aisle seat. I gave her an exasperated NO! I must have looked pretty frustrated!
To my great embarrassment, as I was reading my Bible, she shared with me that she was Jewish but had just accepted Christ and was hoping to sit by someone like a pastor who could answer her many questions! Oh my! By God’s mercy, He gave me another chance to minister God’s Word to her. I realized then there was a purpose in where God had me sitting ( it would have been with my daughter). We ended up having a great time over God’s Word for two hours!
Folks, we never know who we’re going to meet! Peter says, “Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope you have” 1 Peter 3:15 You don’t have to knock down the door! Pray that God will open the door and then walk in!
We have the Word of Life! Don’t keep it to yourself!