“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her”. Ephesians 5:25 Now men, let’s be honest! That’s an intimidating verse! Love my wife like Christ loved the church? Wow! What does it mean ? How far does it go? Having been married over 51 years I think I have an idea what God means, despite my failures to measure up.

* First of all, it means sacrificially. I may not be called on to give up my life as Jesus did. But how about my time? Very few husbands spend more than seven minutes a week in quality conversation with their wives. When she talks, do I give her my full attention? Would I be willing to give up watching my favorite sports team to spend time with her? What would she say my priorities are?

* Secondly, You are to love her in a way that sanctifies her spiritually. In other words, you share the Word of God with her and you pray with her. Fewer than one in ten Christian husbands do this. Ephesians 5:26 refers to the spiritual cleansing you have the privilege of doing! “the washing of water by the Word”. There is nothing you can do that will draw you into closer intimacy with your wife than to bless her spiritually by sharing God’s Word and praying with her!

* Thirdly, You are to love her selfishly! Yup! You heard me right! Ephesians 5:28 encourages husbands ” to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself”. The Bible is very wise! It knows how self-centered we are! Love your wife as you love yourself because she is flesh of your flesh and bone of your bones! Anyone who does not do this is just hurting himself! Is she tired? Help her or take her out for dinner! Look for ways to bless her! You like to be blessed don’t you? Bless her , it will always come back to you!

Love her sacrificially, love her in a sanctifying way and love her selfishly! Do you want to know the biggest reason why? Because when you love your dear wife like that you show the world a fantastic picture of Christ and His bride, the church! Folks, we might be the only Bible the world ever reads. Let them see a love picture of Jesus that will blow their minds!

Pastor Terry