God’s Highway of Holiness has specific purpose!,it’s not a road to nowhere!

First, it’s a place of protection. (Isaiah 35:8-10) the unclean will not journey on it, it will be for those that walk in that way; Wicked fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; but they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there.

What a promise of protection this is to parents in this very difficult day! How can our families avoid the unclean ? By walking on the Highway of Holiness God has laid out. It’s promised that neither lions or ferocious beasts will be there either. The Lion represents the intimidation aspect of Satan, designed to cause us to be afraid.

The Highway of Holiness is also a path of testimony to the lost. God’s plan is that those on this road will enter Zion singing. As we walk along this highway singing we are to be an attraction to have others join us. But what if they see hypocrisy instead? Our lives ought to be a Highway of Holiness providing an easy on-ramp for those who are drawn to The Lord.

You may recall another highway. It was called the Nile River in Egypt. It was the source of life and transportation. When the call went out from Pharoah to kill all boy babies, Moses parents saved Their son by placing him in the Nile. It became a place of life. Later, the same Nile turned into blood and became a place of death for those who did not believe. Much later in Moses history he came upon the Red Sea. He had the Egyptians on one side and the Red Sea on the other. Would
God make a way through? You know the story. The Red Sea became a highway for Israel but death to the unbelieving Egyptians. God’s children were protected!

What can we take away from these accounts? There IS a pathway of holiness, of protection for families from the attempts of the enemy to ruin our children. It’s based on faith and a strong commitment to follow Christ. A joyful walk, full of faith and praise will also attract others to follow Christ on this beautiful highway. Be encouraged!

God has a great purpose for us to walk on his beautiful highway…all the way to the Father’s House!
