We woke up this morning to snow covering the ground. It is also covering the trees and while it is entangling traffic, it is beautiful! It is also used as an allegory in the Bible for being cleansed from sin. Listen to what David says in Psalm 51 in crying out to God about his terrible sin of adultery and complicity in murder: ” Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7. David didn’t minimize his need. He knew that only God could cleanse him.

The really good news is that this cleansing is not done by us, it is done by The Lord! When I was a little boy I was often ordered to wash my hands and face. Then my mother would inspect! If I was not up to par she would grab a bar of soap and a wash rag and use them until I met her standards! One thing I would usually leave out is the BACK of my hands! Only God can cleanse us! Listen! ” The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin” 1 John 1:7 All means all and
that’s all that all means!

I’m also reminded of a man who kept a book with photos of snow flakes. The interesting thing is every one was different! Until then I hadn’t realized each flake of snow was unique! Can you imagine how many billions there are each time there is a snow fall? Yet each one is unique! So are YOU my friend! When God saves you, you are not just a number to Him, you are His very own unique child. There is no one quite like you and He made you for His pleasure!

But wait! Maybe as you read this you feel like your sins are too great to actually be cleansed as white as snow! You know God forgives but you still feel guilty for some things you confessed long ago. If that’s the case listen to this verse:” Come now, let us reason together, says The Lord, though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow”. Isaiah 1:18 Yahoo! Amen!

Regardless of what you have done, The Lord knows just how to cleanse it and make it as white as snow! Is it red? He can cleanse it! Is it black? He can cleanse that too! It’s truly amazing to realize that in God’s sight we are whiter than snow. It’s not that we never sin again after we accept Christ and receive the forgiveness of sins. Our position is children, white as snow but our state varies from day to day. What’s the remedy dear friends? Repentance! “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and JUST to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John1:9

Catch that word JUST? It’s because He already paid the price for our sins and forgiving us is the just thing to do. God isn’t going to collect from your sins twice friends! Jesus already paid the price! You are washed all over but your feet (your walk) still need to be cleansed ! See John 13:10

Anyway, I had these thoughts as I looked at at the beautiful snow this morning. So next time you look at the snow don’t murmur…praise The Lord that God sees your sins washed away like freshly fallen snow! It might even bring a smile to your lips,if you have to shovel it!
