“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”  1 Peter 4:8

 I read about a man who bought a boat and kept it in a harbor on the coast of Florida.  A hurricane was brewing off the coast and was about to hit land.  What to do?  He had made a sizeable investment in the boat and didn’t want to lose it.  A friend with experience with boats and hurricanes, gave him this advice, “Don’t attempt to tie the boat to the dock or anything on land or it will be torn to pieces.  Your only hope is to anchor deep.  Take four anchors and drop them deep.  The boat will be able to ride out the storm.”

Most marriages go through “stormy weather.”  We marry “for better or for worse” and sometimes we wonder when the “better” is going to start!  Here are four anchors you might consider to enhance your life together.  They are taken from the book, “Tools for a Great Marriage,” by William Batson.


Peter wrote, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may life you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you,” 1 Peter 5:6-7.  To keep marriages from crashing on the rocks, we have to daily submit to God’s guidance.  He knows what’s best!  Sometimes life isn’t fair, but God has our best interests and He is always GOOD.  He has our back!  Nothing is a surprise to Him!  He always has our well being in mind, to make us stronger and more conformed to the image of His Son.


Give top priority to maintaining a loving relationship.  There should be lots of non-sexual touching:  hugs, kisses and hand holding!   In “stormy weather,” you may be tempted to put blame on your spouse for things that go wrong.  Resist that temptation, turn toward each other to provide a shelter from the storm.  1 Peter 4:8 says, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”  During times of stress, make your relationship a priority – do the things you did when you were courting:  long walks, meaningful conversation, fun dates and pray together!


Never be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!  Two can accomplish more than one if working together in the power of the Holy Spirit!  “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor,” Ecclesiastes 4:9.  There were times when I was completely out of my “comfort zone,” and God stepped in, my husband encouraged me and God did a miracle!  Don’t be afraid to do something you have never done before.  With God’s help, He will take care of the details!  Husbands are called to be the head of the home and the wife is designed to be his helper.  They both have talents and strengths the other one needs.  God sees you as His team.  Two people living in the same house will rarely see things the same way!  Listen to each other, then go forward together!


Honor your marriage vows!  Review them periodically to remember those days when you were so in love and wanted to be together forever!  Through all the changes in life, remember to love, honor, obey, regardless of good times or bad, wealth or poverty, sickness or health.  Marriage is hard work, but well worth the effort!  Valentine’s Day will soon be here!  Husbands, if you want a good return on your “investment,” remember it’s the little things that matter to her.  She wants you to think of her when she’s not around.  And wives, honor your man and tell him so!

Recently, I saw these wall plaques:  Wife:  “Good morning, handsome!”  Husband:  “Good morning, beautiful!”   Love it!

Your friend, Jean