Are you facing a defining moment? By that I mean a life-changing decision that will forever change you and set you on a different course. Decisions where you are at a cross roads, where you could go two possible ways; one that will require faith and one that does not require you to be stretched. A safe direction. Comfortable.

I have experienced some defining moments in my life. The night that I accepted Jesus as my Savior. The commitment to an outreach at an Indian reservation when I was only 24. A decision to rent Camp Barakel in 1984 in Northern Michigan without knowing how I was going to pay for it. Deciding to retire early and go on staff with the Navigators in 1998. The decision to come back from Colorado in 2000 to pastor a church in Toledo, Ohio. Defining moments. As I look back on my life as the journey winds down, all of these defining moments changed the direction of my life and in fact, except for marrying the love of my life (easy decision) are the highlights of my life! My life would have been barren without them!

But these are difficult decisions at the time! They are facing the unknown! You know there will be challenges, sacrifices! You know it’s going to stretch you! Joshua faced a time like that. God selected him to replace Moses. How could he replace one of the greatest servants in history ? God gave him assurances: ” I will give you every place where you set your foot”…” I will never leave you or forsake you”…” You will be prosperous and successful”…”The Lord your God has given you this land” And many others, but Joshua had to believe it! Joshua 1:3-15

Brothers and sisters! When God sends you, He equips you! I have absolutely found this to be true! But you must believe Him! You must take a step of faith! A brother once said, “God does’t work miracles to encourage laziness”. The very moment Israel stepped into the Jordan the waters receded ! Defining moments! Are you facing one? One that requires faith? Count the cost and then move ahead at God’s command!

I have never regretted following God in defining moments over my lifetime and neither will you.

Best of all…He will be right there beside you all the way.
