Many people have gotten that call. How have they done? Not very well. I did a search and found that for most of them it was a disaster! A man we will call “Bud” won $16 million. His brother hired a hit man to try and collect an inheritance, his family convinced him to invest in 2 businesses that failed, an ex-girlfriend sued him, he was arrested for firing a gun at a bill collector and finally he went bankrupt. He is now living on Social Security.

Folks, let’s contrast that with the incredible riches we have in Christ, riches that are eternal, kept for us in heaven. I am going to name just a few. You might like to go through your Bible and make up your own list!

Peter says, ” An inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade KEPT IN HEAVEN for you”. 1 Peter 1:4 Now, at the very most, earthly riches can only be enjoyed for 50-60 years, even by Warren Buffett! These riches are forever!

We are ” Heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ” Romans 8:17. All that the Son is going to inherit, we are going to inherit! Honestly, I don’t think we have any idea what all that is! God reigns over the universe!

Now, just a few that I picked out from Ephesians and Colossians.

“Adopted us as His sons” Ephesians 1:5

“Redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins”. Ephesians 1:7

“The promised Holy Spirit” Eph. 1:14

” Seated in heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” Eph. 2:2

” The incomparable riches of His grace” Eph. 2:7

” He Himself is our peace” Eph. 2:14

“Access to the Father” Eph. 2:18

“Fellow citizens with God’s people” Eph. 2:19

“Members of God’s household” Eph. 2:19

“The glorious riches, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27

Friends, I have only scratched the surface of your riches! They are beyond imagining! They are secure! They will last eternally! You will joyfully share them with Jesus even though He has purchased them all! If you get to mourning what you don’t have now, put everything in proper perspective! This is not the reigning time! We’re not home yet! But oh the time is coming soon, sooner than you think! Rejoice! The lottery? Nah! We’ve got something better!
