“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests,” Luke 2:14.

 “A baby’s hands in Bethlehem

Were small and softly curled.

But held within their dimpled grasp

The hope of all the world”

There has never been a story like the birth of this amazing baby! No human could create a fascinating plot like this one:

  • A young Jewish man taking his wife on a long journey to his hometown when she is close to delivering a baby.
  • A baby that was conceived in a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit, both God and man!
  • He was born in a stable with animals because there was no room in the Inn.
  • Shepherds were the first to receive His birth announcement!
  • 10 thousand x 10 thousand angels rejoiced at His birth!
  • The only One who could choose where He was to be born, was born in a stable.

Amazing grace! Humility on display! This was the first step as Jesus began his journey to the cross to die for the sins of the world. The invasion of our planet by God is a test for every human heart! Let’s take a peek at the hearts that were revealed when Jesus came. There were:

  • Surrendered hearts
  • Neglectful hearts
  • Rejecting hearts

 Surrendered hearts: (Luke 1:26-38) Mary a poor, young girl from Nazareth was given the greatest honor ever given to a human being! Did people in her village gossip about her as an un-wed mother? Would she be stoned? Mary entrusted it all to God. She knew He had spoken and she worshiped Him. A surrendered heart is a worshiping heart! It loves God, glorifies and praises Him!   This is the heart God notices! “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word,” Isaiah 66:2. The shepherds, lowest on the social scale and ceremonially unclean, left their sheep at “lambing time” to obey the angels’ announcement. A surrendered heart is an obedient, humble heart!

Neglectful hearts: (Matthew 2:1-6) The Chief Priests and teachers of the Law knew exactly where the Messiah would be born. Bethlehem was only a few miles from Jerusalem, they could have walked it in a day, but they had no interest. They were the Shepherds of Israel, but they were proud! After all, if the Messiah was to be born, wouldn’t God reveal it to them? They knew the scriptures, they were religious, but they didn’t bother, they were apathetic. They missed the most important event of the ages!

Rejecting hearts: (Matthew 2:7, 16-18) Herod the Great (37 BC-4AD) rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem for the Jews to worship, but he was cruel and self-serving. He was a descendant of Esau, an enemy of Israel. He was proud, arrogant and self-righteous. He had no need for God. He’s like many today who get angry when you present the gospel of God’s grace. The good news of the gospel divides us because it confronts us with our sin. But, thanks be to God, He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Taken from Pastor Terry’s sermons