“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”  John 1:29.

 One day, John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and exclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!  John 1:29.  There was a moment in the life of Jesus when He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, a colt never ridden on, a symbol of peace.  He went down that dusty road into Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives and when He did, it says the whole crowd of disciples began to joyfully praise God and say in loud voices:  “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”  Luke 19:38.

The Pharisees were upset because they knew what these words meant!  They were from Psalm 118:26, one of the Hallel psalms sung on Passover night and they were code words announcing the arrival of the Messiah! The Pharisees said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”  They knew what was happening! This was a key day.  It was four days before Passover, lamb selection day, the day they were to select a spotless lamb for the Passover!  And here He was!  He was coming to them as the Lamb of God! Jesus knew they would not receive him as King and He was coming into the city as God’s perfect Lamb.  He was going to the cross!  “I tell you,” Jesus replied, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out,” Luke 19:40.

As He approached the city, He wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”

Jesus our Lamb was unique in all of history.  He is in a category by Himself, we can’t compare Him to others.  When He asked the question, “Which of you convicts me of sin?”  No one could answer.  He was the only One who could say, “I always do what is pleasing to the Father.”  He came as the Good Shepherd to seek and save lost people.  All mankind was in darkness, He came as the Light of the world.  All of us were spiritually and emotionally hungry; He was the Bread of Life.  All were dead in their sins, He was the resurrection and the life!

Those who followed Him, ate and lived in close contact with Him for over 3 years.  The disciples got on each other’s nerves.  They argued and compared themselves. But, when it came to Jesus, they didn’t find in Him the sins they found in themselves.  Peter said of Him:  “A lamb without blemish and without spot.”  John said:  “In Him was no sin.”  Thomas said:  “My Lord and my God!”

His enemies could only accuse Him of hanging out with sinners, eating with tax collectors, allowing prostitutes to touch Him.  Thank God for that!  He came into the world to save sinners!  Paul never got over it!  He called himself the “Chief of sinners!”  When Jesus was on trial, they had to hire false witnesses, but they could not agree.  Judas said:  “I have sinned in betraying innocent blood.”  The thief on the cross said:  “This man has done nothing wrong.”  The hardened centurion said:  “Certainly this man was innocent.”  No one ever gave up so much.  He renounced the joys of heaven for the sorrows of earth.  He had no possessions, no home, no comforts.  He touched lepers and gave Himself away teaching, healing and preaching.  He was misunderstood, misrepresented, despised and rejected by His own people.  His family and friends deserted Him.

He is the holy, spotless Lamb of God, completely beyond our reach and when we behold Him, all we can do is fall down in worship and say, “Behold the Lamb of God!  Is He your Savior today?

Your friend Jean      (Taken from a Palm Sunday sermon by Pastor Terry)