In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus he warned them of the need to wear the “full armor of God” because they would need it to take their stand against the devil’s schemes. We are in a conflict, a “struggle, not against flesh and blood but against rulers, against authorities, against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms.” Eph: 6:12

But I really want to call your attention to the RELENTLESS nature of the struggle and the fact that the enemy is always looking for weaknesses he can exploit. When the Allies landed on D-Day in 1944 they landed on beaches on Southern France. They needed to gain a foothold from which they could expand and eventually conquer Nazi Germany. This is EXACTLY what Paul was warning the Ephesians about when he warned them about not allowing the enemy to gain a “foothold” through anger, a beachhead that the enemy could use to expand and develop! Ephesians 4:27

Do you have an area of your life, a weakness, some sin like anger or lust you are allowing that can give the enemy a foothold? Paul lays out in symbolic form the kind of armor we need to wear so that we are covered from head to toe. A belt of truth…a breastplate of righteousness…feet fitted with the gospel of peace…the shield of faith…the sword of the Spirit. Ephesians 6:11-17 Note that these are all for the front…there is NO RETREAT in the Christian life! We are to confidently STAND with God’s armor on! James says to “resist the devil and he will flee from you”. James 4:7 He was defeated at the cross and in the glorious resurrection!

I have found that the most effective weapon, and one I cannot do without is the sword of the Spirit, the mighty Word of God! When the Devil attacks, either to intimidate you, as a lion or to tempt you as a serpent, meet him with the Word of God! That’s what Jesus did in Luke 4 when Satan came to tempt Him. He gave us this example as a model. Quote Scripture to him! He will flee!

But let me urge you, be aware of the conflict! You simply are not strong enough on your own and if you skim through life ignoring this you are a ripe target. Put on the armor! I don’t have time to go into the depth of meaning of each piece but when you take the time at the beginning of your day to put the armor on, you will be ready for the tests that come! ALWAYS go forth from a place of strength equipped with the Word of God and alert to the wiles of the enemy! Then stand!

We’re on the winning side!
