It’s 2015! Amazing! It is typical at the beginning of a new year for people to make vows in areas of their lives they would like to change. I think this is a good thing…if it lasts! As I thought about it this year my thoughts drifted to Caleb in the Old Testament, the stalwart companion of Joshua. Caleb is one of my favorite Bible characters and reading his story has blessed me many times.

Moses sent 12 men into the promised land to scout it out and come back with a report about the land. Two of the men were Caleb and Joshua. They came back with a glowing report of the fantastic fruit and blessings of the land God had given them. The other 10 saw the SAME things and could not help but report on what a fruitful blessed land it was. However, they went beyond Moses instructions and gave him an assessment of the problems, the high-walled cities and the giants that were awaiting them. They discouraged the people so much they were ready to turn back to Egypt! What was the problem? They compared themselves to the challenges and left God out! But Caleb and Joshua compared the challenges to GOD and told the people “we are well able to go up…do not be afraid of the people of the land, we will swallow them up…the Lord is with us, do not be afraid” Numbers 14

What a difference! But now turn to Joshua 14. We are now 45 years down the road. Has Caleb given up? No! Three times in this chapter it talks about him being “wholehearted”! Folks, he was “all in”, all the way! He still had the same passion! Caleb tells Joshua, the new leader, ” Here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. NOW, give me this hill country that The Lord promised me that day” Joshua 14. WOW! The hill country was where the giants lived! He was “wholehearted”, “all in”! Nothing was going to get in his way if The Lord was with him! Time and difficulties did not diminish his fervor! He wanted to claim ALL that God had given him!

As we start 2015, do you have any giants in your life? Are you “wholehearted for Christ”? Friend, go take that mountain! The ONLY question is whether God is with you. ” If God is for us WHO can be against us?”Romans 8:31
