Vision for Christ is now heard in English across Africa on the 13 meter shortwave band at 21525 kHz.
Middle East
Our friends there can listen to us on Saturday nights in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran on 15770 kHz at 1900 UTC which is 9 PM in Israel; about a hour later in the other Middle East nations.
Radio Africa 1830 UTC Wednesday
Frequency: 17790 kHz
6:30 pm in Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Togo
7:30 pm in Benin, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Niger, Nigeria
Radio East Africa 1830 UTC Sunday
Frequency: 17790 kHz
7:30 pm in Central Africa Republic, Western portion of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic Of The Congo
8:30 pm in Malawi, Zambia, Eastern portion of Democratic Republic of Congo
9:30 pm in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Listeners can also tune into the station on the station’s website: or through its Android and iPhone apps.
Australia – Saturdays
Frequency: 9670 kHz
9 am – 9:15 am or 2200 to 2215 UTC on frequency 9670 kHz.
For the Vision For Christ radio program airing on TDF – AUSTRALIA, your new fall frequency is 9670 kHz.
Albania, North Macedonia, & Greece (Radio Emanuel)
5:00 pm Saturday
10:00 am Sunday 106.7 mHz.. FM Northwestern Greece
United Kingdom
Fall Frequency: 5690 kHz
Vision For Christ program airing on TDF – UNITED KINGDOM, your new fall frequency is 5690 kHz.
6:30 pm Sunday on HOPE RADIO
HOPE RADIO IRELAND has been broadcasting Christian programming since 1999 from Dublin, Ireland. Broadcasting on the FM dial 107.7 and reaching a population of over 1,460,546 and growing each year. Our programs are heard in the counties of Meath, Louth, Kilkare and Wicklow.
The Philippines
12:15 pm Every Sunday on AM station 1242 (DWBL)
North Korea
9:15 pm Every Sunday night on shortwave at 11590 kHz in the Korean language.