One thing I have learned from having a serious illness is that there is a strong tendency to focus on yourself, your pain and if that is combined with the illness being long term it is an even stronger pull. It is easy to become discouraged!

What is the best antidote for this? This morning in my quiet time I read an anecdote in a little devotional book I like to read from called Daily Bread. It referred to a verse in Psalm 121:1,2. ” I will lift up my eyes unto the hills–where does my help come from? It comes from The Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth”

Now here is the essence of the anecdote A woman had to work in an office at a job that required long periods of time of constant reading and it was putting strain on her eyes. Her eye doctor recommended she rest them. She told him that was impossible in her line of work. He asked her, “Do you have any windows?” “Oh yes, she said, “From the front window I can see the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and from the rear windows I can see the glorious Allegheny mountains!

The Doctor said, “That is what you need! When you feel tired, go look UP at the mountains for 10-20 minutes–and the far look will rest your eyes!”

Friends, we need the upward look! Our help comes from The Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth! I think the Apostle Paul found this to be true through all the very painful difficulties he went through. He had to learn it through experience folks, and so do we! Paul wrote ” Therefore, we do NOT lose heart…we FIX OUR EYES not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”. 2nd Cor. 16,18 The key seems to be FIXING them, to be intentional about it!

” Oh fix our earnest gaze, so wholly Lord on Thee, that with Thy beauty occupied we elsewhere none may see”.

This hard friends! It has to be intentional! But the results are amazing, quieting, peaceful. A dear friend sent me the entire words to this song a few days ago, “Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here…”

Look up to the hills brothers and sisters and our eyes will get the rest we need…day by day and with EACH passing moment.
