“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance:  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.”  1 Timothy 1:15

 If it is possible for Paul, the “worst of sinners” to surrender to Jesus Christ, surely He could handle a stubborn atheist Chinese boy.  Just as Paul knew the depth of God’s grace, so my friend Daniel found the overwhelming love of Christ.

Daniel was born in 1970 at the height of the Cultural Revolution in China.  His family was atheistic and followed the teaching of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party.  He grew up singing songs to Chairman Mao, memorizing quotes from the “Little Red Book” of Marxism and was thoroughly indoctrinated in Communist teaching.  He dreamed that one day China would become a superpower and take revenge on the Western powers for the humiliation they suffered throughout the past 150 years.

Since he was the son of a farmer, Daniel had to work extra hard to pass the difficult university entrance exams.  He did accomplish that feat and went on to graduate with a degree in chemical engineering.  Like many college students, he began to ask questions:  Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going?  What am I supposed to do?  The Marxist view suggested he was no different from other animals.  Daniel knew in his heart that he was certainly more valuable than a pig!  But, what else was there?  He began to ask questions that made his instructors uncomfortable.  He realized he could not control his destiny and there must be something higher.  His atheism began to crumble.

But, God!  One day his college roommate mentioned the Bible.  Daniel was shocked to hear the Bible still existed!  After the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989, Daniel met a Christian who gave him a Bible.  He wondered how this educated woman would even consider Christianity when she knew it was the “enemy” of their people?  But he noticed her bright smile and happy countenance and became eager to know more about this spiritual reality.  Was this available to him?

The Lord led Daniel to a Christian group studying the Bible together on campus.  It was illegal to meet in the open, so they met in secret.  After scrutinizing him for 6 months, they let him attend a meeting.  The missionary speaking presented the gospel.  The love of Jesus was so real and powerful that atheism and nationalism lost their grip on him.  With no rational explanation, Daniel said, “I want to accept You, Jesus, because You died for me.  No one else has ever done that.  Karl Marx and Chairman Mao proposed wonderful theories and painted beautiful pictures, but neither every said, ‘I love you Daniel,’ let alone died for me.  In fact, they didn’t even know my name!”

Like a tidal wave, the love of Jesus so overwhelmed him, his stony heart began to melt.  Tears of joy flooded his cheeks.  He reached out to Jesus and He took firm hold of him.

Today Daniel and his wife serve the Lord in China.  They are diligent about getting the Word of God to their people in all areas of the country.  Daniel’s wife translated a study Bible into Chinese and it’s been a blessing to many house churches.  Despite a difficult environment, God has poured his love upon the churches in China.  It is now estimated that there are over 100 million Christians who are eager and willing to take on the task of world evangelism and become a sending nation!

Pray for the church in China!  To God be the glory!

Your friend, Jean  (taken from Daniel’s testimony)