Job was a man of ancient times that was even called by God “blameless and upright , one who feared God and turned away from evil”. Job 1:1 Yet even Job knew he was a sinner and far from God. He asked a question that rings down through time; “How can a man be in the right with God? Job 9:2 He realized that despite his good life he fell far short of God’s righteousness. How can we have assurance that our sins have been forgiven and that we stand in a right relationship with God? Nearly all men and women realize that they are somehow alienated from God. They have an uneasy feeling that there is something they must do to rectify the situation. Satan provides hundreds of diversions to keep people from thinking about this too deeply. First there is organized religion. It allows people to get a superficial taste without a real strong heart commitment. They can hear sermons that make them feel good, sing songs that are enjoyable and not too challenging, participate in liturgical rituals that are mystical and puzzling but somehow comforting. If religion doesn’t work, there is pleasure or just plain fun. Anything so we don’t have to think too deeply about our brief life and our relationship with God.

God breaks through all of this fog with bold words of confidence: “Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God though our Lord Jesus Christ” Romans 5:1 How can this be? How did it happen? “God shows His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” Rom. 5:8

Here is the amazing truth! Despite the fact that we are sinners, God loves us and we can be justified (Cleared, found innocent) by faith in the death of Jesus Christ for us on the Cross. When we put our faith in Him and what He did for us we can then have peace and be forgiven. So when the enemy attacks you and creates doubts point to what God says in Romans 5:8. Remember! It is a gift, not something you can earn! “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord”. Romans 6:23

Pastor Terry