“Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy…enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide…..”Isaiah 54:1-3

 Have you ever felt God calling you to do something totally beyond your wildest imaginations?  There are times when God takes us completely out of our “comfort zone,” and instructs us to do what we would never try on our own.  The Lord has a calling for each of us and He wants us to be obedient.  It might not necessarily be a comfortable place, but He will provide everything you need.  Obedience to God is a wonderful adventure!

Karin and Jeff were a young couple who desperately wanted to start a family.  After years of infertility, they felt God was calling them to a different kind of family through adoption.  After praying long and hard, a baby boy came to live with them, then 4 years later, another baby boy, but God wasn’t finished yet!  One day Karin “happened” to see an adoption website from a country many miles away.  Could this be God’s plan for them?  As she prayed over this new possibility, she realized most of the babies available were girls.  She had been praying for a baby girl, but one in particular appealed to her.  She taped her picture to the refrigerator.  When Jeff came home, they prayed together, if God wanted them to take this step, it would be one of faith! They had very little money, but as they prayed, little by little the funds started appearing.   Soon they were able to apply to the appropriate agency and after months of waiting, they received the invitation to come and take their little girl home!  It was a time of great rejoicing!

After being home for 6 months, God put it on their hearts to adopt another baby girl.  So the process was repeated and another baby joined the family.  Was God finished yet?

One day, Karin had a strong feeling that God was directing her to another child, this one had something wrong with her foot.  God even gave her a name!  After that there was a baby girl with a defective heart.  This little one was left to die, the doctors had given up, her heart was too damaged and considered inoperable.  A missionary friend carried her to the hospital, praying over her as she went.  The baby lived and this little one joined the family.  Then came a little boy with a defective ear.  Sweet little Jordan with his gentle ways and kind heart came to be little brother to the sisters.  Then another baby girl with a malfunctioning heart came along.  This one needed immediate surgery and received excellent medical care from a famous cardiologist in the US.  Two other children joined the family, one needed her leg amputated and runs with an artificial leg.  The other was a little boy from Central America.  God had 10 children for this “childless” couple!  He had a plan for each child and it was His perfect plan!

Sometimes God will interrupt your life with a calling so amazing it will amaze even you!  Be obedient!  God will take you on a wild adventure!  If He leads you to do something, don’t let fear keep you from obeying!  He will give you what you need—money, time, strength, wisdom,  but you have to trust that He will be faithful.  Don’t run ahead of God when you think you know which direction He’s taking you.  Stay close, keep seeking, and let Him lead you!  “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you….So do not fear,  for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:9-10.

Your friend Jean (for my daughter Karin)