“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27

As a recent widow, I am still learning to trust God for ALL the issues in my life.  I always thought I trusted the Lord, but in many ways, I leaned on my husband and his wisdom and guiding hand rather than God for advice in the difficult decisions of life.  Since he went home to be with the Lord, Isaiah 54:5 has become my special verse, “For your Maker is your husband, the Lord Almighty is His name—the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.” I am still learning to lean on the “everlasting arms” of my Savior!

The Lord recently opened a door for me in short term medical missions.  (He had enabled me to go back to school to become a nurse.)  This spring, I received an invitation to travel to Honduras to do medical clinics in 4 different churches.  My daughter and granddaughter were enthusiastic about joining me, but I felt we needed a team of 12 people to cover all the medical areas. The pastor in Honduras told me that he had done clinics with 3 people and I shouldn’t be afraid to go forward!  Finally after weeks of prayer, we had a complete team!  Now for purchasing the needed medicines!  I felt I could afford $1000, so I went ahead and ordered the appropriate medications.  We had a wonderful time in Honduras, the Lord supplied all our needs and we were able to see about 500 patients and fill 2000 prescriptions!  Praise God!!

When I returned home, my brother was scheduled for surgery in Seattle, WA.  Since I was the only family member who could be with him, I felt I should go.   I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay the airfare and hotel bills, but felt the Lord encouraging me to go ahead and He would provide.  I texted my friend Yvonne who lives there and told her I would be in Seattle and could we get together?  She went above and beyond!  She not only made a reservation in a hotel near the hospital, but offered her grandson’s car for me to drive!!  I was flabbergasted!  I hadn’t seen her son in years and had never met her grandson!  They so graciously met me at the airport, gave me the keys to the car and off I went, driving in a strange city in “rush” hour with God and my GPS!

On the weekend, Yvonne and her husband stayed at the hotel and we enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship and “catching up.”  When we went to check out, Yvonne insisted on paying MY bill.  She not only paid for my room, but for parking as well!  She would not take “no” for an answer!   She said, “You know, Jean, the Word says we’re to care for the widows and orphans!  You wouldn’t want me to be disobedient to the Lord, would you?”  What could I say?

In looking over the receipts from my trips, I realized that the bill from the hotel in Seattle was almost the exact amount I paid for the medicines for Honduras!  I was overwhelmed at the goodness of the Lord!  He will never be our debtor!!  Praise God for my generous friend!  She unknowingly had a part in a mission trip to Honduras!

 To God be the glory!  Jean