The subject of core values is a hot topic today in the the corporate world. If you were handed a blank sheet of paper today and asked to write down your core values, the life principles that drive you, what would you write down? I suggest it should not be a long “laundry” list, that’s what core means. Basic life principles. Foundational, not some long “should do” list. And, how can you put them into practice?

One day a teacher of the law came to Jesus and asked Him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important? (now I would suggest Jesus answer may be a clue to the highest core values because this is GOD he is approaching, and furthermore, what could be more “core value” than the primary commandments from God?) listen to the answer; ” The most important one is this, “Hear O Israel, The Lord our God is One. Love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandments than these”. Mark 12:29-32

All 10 commandments flow from these since the first five relate to God and the other five relate to mankind. Thus, in a very profound succinct manner, Jesus captures the “core values” that should drive a believers life.

But now the tough part! HOW to accomplish it?! Try on our own as hard as we might, we just cannot do it! The answer is the New Covenant, not the requirements of the old that tell us what to do, but do not empower us to do them. This New Covenant was promised in Jeremiah 31, fulfilled at the cross by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, totally transforming the believer so that he is now able to ” live by the Spirit, and no longer live to gratify the desires of the sinful nature”. Galatians 5:16 Wow!

This love is given to us! “God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Whom He has given us” Romans 5:5′ However friends, it must be cultivated! “Continue to WORK OUT (cultivate it) your own salvation with fear and trembling” Philippians 2:12 Do you see the balance? God causes us to love Him but for that love to grow, like a tender plant it must be watered and cultivated. Otherwise weeds will take over.

Your core values are like the rudder on a ship, you may be blown off course from time to time, but eventually you come back, you re-set the ship’s compass and sail on! Loving God, really loving God is not only the key to obedience (John 14:23) but also the key to loving one another. Do you see why the succinct truth Jesus laid out to the teacher of the law is CORE? Everything in your Christian life flows from this! Cultivate it!

Where are you right now? Get a check up from the neck up!
