Paul wrote to the Romans; “I consider that the present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

Generally speaking, I don’t think we really understand much of God’s purpose in suffering. Oh, I think we understand it well enough when it comes to suffering persecution or martyrdom because of the faith. The verse in Romans 8:18 speaks well to that. We can understand God rewarding His people and there being purpose in that kind of suffering.

It is understandable that glory awaits those who suffer for the Name of Christ and that is happening all over the world today, maybe more than ever. But what about ordinary, run of the mill suffering like a long term illness, or the tragic loss of a loved one? Some people are healed through the prayers of faithful believers but others are not. When someone loses a loved one, or has some other tragedy or long term issue that never seems to get resolved, the pain lingers long after words of comfort are gone. Is there a divine purpose in all this? And if it happens to us, how do we handle it? Let’s dig deeper.

I have contemplated this a great deal since I have had cancer for almost 17 years. I have discovered some news for you that was in the Bible all the time! There IS a wonderful, divine purpose that transcends all of the easy cliches about this subject! Listen!

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, SO THAT THE LIFE OF JESUS MAY ALSO BE REVEALED IN OUR MORTAL BODY. ( Do you get that? Your life is on display! Every difficulty in your life is a PLATFORM on which the life of Jesus can be displayed! Nothing goes to waste! He never wastes your pain! ) now listen to some of the rest of what Paul wrote;'” ALL of this is for YOUR benefit, SO that the GRACE that is reaching MORE AND MORE people may overflow to the glory of God”. 4:15

Friends! God has a purpose for your pain, whatever it may be! He will use it to display Jesus, spread His abounding grace to more and more people, resulting in thanksgiving that overflows to the glory of God! Hallelujah!!!

“Therefore we do NOT LOSE HEART!” When a person that does not know Jesus Christ sees someone going through trials, especially long term trials, still possessing joy and displaying Jesus, they are drawn to it! They are not impressed when things are going well in your life! That’s what gives me hope and keeps me going!

And when Christ is revealed, and this short time on earth is over, the glory that is going to be revealed in us will cause all of that suffering to fade away like a shadow. In light of our seeing Jesus I think the joy will easily transcend all of that pain, so prominent now. Take courage fellow sufferer, none of your pain is wasted, let your life praise Him and bring grace and salvation to all who are curiously looking on now.
