There is a conundrum in the Christian life; a seeming contradiction. It is this; Jesus can turn crosses into crowns! What does that mean? Peter talked about suffering grief in all kinds of trials ” so that your faith– of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in PRAISE, GLORY and HONOR when Jesus Christ is revealed” 1 Peter 1:7 CROWNS friends!!

You are aware of the words of Jesus inviting His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him. But He is never our debtor! He promises an eternal reward for our sacrifices, over and over! This week I noticed in Streams In The Desert, a man by the name of Dr. William Moon from England. I decided to do some investigation as one of my daughter in laws ancestors came from England and were named Moon. Even though we could could not find a connection I was fascinated because of what I found.

When Dr. Moon was only 21 he was struck blind. Dr. Moon was a strong believer in Christ and this was what he said, “Lord, I accept this “talent” of blindness from you. Help me to use it for your glory so that You may receive it back with interest”. Dr. Moon then went on to invent the Moon Alphabet in 1845, an easy to use system enabling blind people to read the Word of God! It was used by Hudson Taylor in China as it was adaptable to Mandarin. It was used in many places . Certainly he gave it back to The Lord with interest! Dr. Moon was able to turn a cross into a crown!

Do you have an appointed cross today that seems too hard to bear? Jesus also was given a cross by His Father. When He comes back He will be wearing many crowns as King of Kings and Lord of Lord! Every cross is temporary! The rewards are permanent! The One who awards crowns has promised that nothing will separate us from His love! Not persecution, not disease, nothing! And when the time comes He will give you a crown you can lay at His feet (Revelation 4) and He will tell you “Well done good and faithful servant”. But I believe those rewards will continue on into eternity.

His return is near! He carries His rewards with Him! Hang on! Don’t quit! Persevere!

Don’t forget. When He invites you to take up your cross you’re not alone. You’re just following in His footsteps.
