We never know when a great crisis is going to hit, or a great deliverance either! A number of years ago, we took a number of young people camping and canoeing in Northern Michigan. We camped on my parents property back in the woods which had a small cabin that had been in the family over 40 years.

On the last day we took the young people swimming at a lake a few miles away. Suddenly, one of the men with a shortwave radio set yelled to me “There is a large forest fire heading in the direction of your parents property!” We quickly gathered everyone and with just my family and another brother raced down a trail toward my parents property and the cabin. I had all 4 of our children with me in our station wagon. I looked at the gas gauge. Empty! I couldn’t stop , I prayed, “Lord, don’t let me run out of gas and help us to get my mother’s antiques out of the cabin”. We arrived and went in. I could see the fire coming! We quickly knelt and prayed, ” Lord, at the time of the Passover, you passed over your children that were sheltered by the blood. Now I am asking that You will pass over this cabin!” Then we had to grab a few things and leave. I made it to safety without running out of gas . Whew!

I called my parents to tell them there was a large forest fire heading right toward their property, 80 acres that had been in the family since the 1930’s and was so special to my dad and all of us. Then, along with the young people, we worked alongside the firefighters the rest of the day fighting the fire. However, the trail down to the the cabin was blocked off and the firefighters told me the cabin was probably gone as a wall of flames a mile wide was heading directly for my dad’s property. But I reserved judgment. Had not God spared Israel when He “Passed through” the land of Egypt? I decided to trust God. We all kept praying.

Finally, we were able to get back to the cabin. Folks, the fire came up to about 30 yards of the cabin and went around it and met on the other side! Praise The Lord! People came by after the fire and said, “Wow , you must have had a fire truck back here!” I was able to tell them what REALLY happened! The hand of our GOD had caused the fire to go around! Is anything too hard for God ?

It was a crisis that day! But praise God, His hand is not shortened that it cannot save! I have never forgotten that lesson! He can deliver us!

The next time you face a crisis, be sure to remember that He knows how to deliver His children OUT of the trial! All of this happened in 1976 and I don’t think any of my kids or the young people will ever forget it!
