I shared with you before that I have a little book full of hid treasures in the Greek. One of them is the word en-kakaeo, which means “don’t give up”, or literally don”t turn coward!

The first place it is found is in Luke 18:1 where Jesus exhorted His disciples that they should always pray and not give up! The word can also mean “faint”, “lose heart”, “give in to evil”. Interesting! It is so easy to get discouraged in praying for something or someone! Do you have a loved one in your life you are hoping will be saved but no matter how much you pray it hasn’t happened? I went through that with my parents for years. They were religious but lost, the most difficult kind. Suddenly one night they called and wanted to hear about Jesus! That night my dear mother was saved and not too long after my dad! Praise The Lord. Don’t stop praying! Don”t give up! God has His own timetable!

The next time this word is used is in 2 Corinthians 4 both in verse 1 and in 16. There it has to do with losing heart regarding ministry in verse one and losing heart because of our bodies wasting away in verse 16. God says to us “cheer up!” It let’s us know that the ultimate victory will be ours! That even though the outward person is deteriorating the inward person is being renewed day by day! He reminds us that the troubles we have now, while seen, are temporary, while the glory to be revealed in us in the future is eternal, lasting. We are on the winning side! Cheer up! These failing bodies will be changed to be like His glorious body! Hallelujah!

The next time we find this encouraging word is in Galatians 6:9. ” Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we DO NOT GIVE UP” . How easy it is to become weary in doing good and just give up! Maybe someone you led to The Lord and discipled did not continue on. Or perhaps a person you have shown kindness to never showed any appreciation. Don’t give up! Possibly you are teaching a Sunday school class and they are rebellious and noisy. Don’t give up! What trials are you experiencing in doing good? Stand fast! Some day God will reward you and you will reap a harvest for all of your efforts! God notices even when others don’t.

This is just a little sampling of the six times this encouraging word is used in our New Testament. It’s a word for fathers and mothers. It’s a word for pastors and teachers. It’s a word for missionaries. It’s a word for YOU! Don’t give up!
