When Jesus was here, one of the things He told His disciples was that they were “the light of the world”. Matt. 5:14 But what exactly does it mean? Paul expanded on that tremendous subject in Philippians 2:15 ” That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, amongst whom you shine as LIGHTS in the world, holding forth the Word of life”.

A very interesting use of the word LIGHTS because it is PHOSTER in the Greek, and the only other place it it used is in Revelation 21:11 in speaking of the RADIANCE of the bride, the Lamb’s wife as the holy city coming down out of heaven from God! Friends, in that day all of us will be shining with all the light of heaven!

The difference , and what I want to convey to you today, is that you and I have the incredible privilege of holding out the Word of Life in a dark, perverted and broken world! We have something to offer! Someone has rendered this as “like holding out a cup of wine at a wedding feast!”. The Word is living and powerful but God has given to you and me the wonderful and awesome privilege of holding it out, not hiding it.

Hold it out! “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all”, 1 John 1:5. You are not the source, all of the Light, all of the power comes from God, all God asks you to do is to hold it out! He will take care of the rest! If you do, someday God will grant you the amazing joy of seeing people that moved from darkness to light that you shared with. The real work is His but He loves for you to partner with Him in it! Ask Him today to grant you the humility, the love and the confidence to “hold out the Word of Life” everywhere you walk, through both your life and your words. You are the Light of the world.

Pastor Terry